Vergi Psikolojisi Konusunda İnternet Kaynakları





Yusuf Kıldiş, "Kayıt Dışı Ekonomi"

Prof.Dr.Coşkun Can Aktan'ın Kamu Maliyesi Üzerine Başlıca Yazıları

Peter A.G. von Bergeijk, "Vergi İndirimlerinin Arz ve Talep Etkileri" (Çeviren:Kamil Güngör)

Elektronik Ticarette Vergileme

Çifte Vergilendirmenin Önlenmesi Anlaşmaları ve Türkiye Uygulaması

Reklamın Finansal Ve Vergisel Boyutu
Kayıtdışı İstihdamın Finansal Ve Vergisel Boyutu

Mükelleflerin Vergiye Gönüllü Uyumunu Etkileyen Faktörler
Vergi Aflarının Vergi Uyumuna Etkisi
Vergi Reformları Ve Türk Vergi Sisteminde Reformların Genel Bir Değerlendirilmesi
Enflasyonun Vergi Gelirlerinin Reel Değeri Üzerindeki Etkisi (Tanzi Etkisi)

Vergi sisteminde yeni stratejiler Yüklenen Vergi
Globalleşme ve Vergilemedeki Mali Boşluklar
Vergi Yasalarındaki Değişiklikler Kime Ne Getirdi?
Türk Vergi Yargısı Sisteminin Etkinliği
Kayıtdışı Ekonomi Ve Vergileme
Vergilerin Emek Arzı Üzerindeki Gelir, İkame ve Mali Etkileri
Vergi Politikalarının Üretim Ve İhracata Etkileri




Black Economy

The Black Economy in Ireland

The Blessings of the Informal Economy

Hidden Economy in Hungary

Measuring The Hidden Economy: Implications for Econometric Modelling

The Hidden Economy in Hungary

Why The Size Of The Hidden Economy Matters

The Informal Economy

Tax Evasion and the Hidden Economy

Unemployment and Hidden Economy

Illegal Economy

Immigrants and the Informal Economy

From Informal Economy to Micro-Enterprise: The Role of Microcredit

The Informal Economy in Latin America

Simulated Effects of the Informal Economy on Hungarian Incomesa in 1992

Women in The Informal Economy in Mozambique

Formalizing The Informal Economy

Formalizing The Informal Economy

Migrant Worker Remittances,Micro-finance and the Informal Economy: Prospects and Issues

Women, Crime and an Informal Economy: Female Offending and Crime for Gain

List of Berkeley-Duke Occasional Papers on the Second Economy in the USSR with Abstracts and Notes

World Factbook of Criminal Justice Systems

The World's Shadow Economy

Shadow Economy

Shadow Economy in Ukraine: The Current State and The Ways of Transformation

The Long Shadow of Russia's Second Economy

Complex Program of Measures for Prevention of Organised Crime and Anti-corruption

Unemployment and Informal Economy - Brazilian Economy –

Enhancing Transparency In Tax Administration: A Survey

The Future of the Earned Income Tax Credit

The Underground Economy

Revenue Canada's Underground Economy Initiative

Canada's Taxing Pols Outwitted by Underground Economy

Underground Economy

California’s Underground Economy Bill

Europe's Underground Economies

The Underground Economy

The Growing Underground Economy

Underground Economies (Percentage of GDP, 1994)

Local Goverment Should Facilitate The Underground Economy As A Backup Economic System For Times When Cashflow Is Stagnating

Underground Economy

Immigrant Worker Organizing in New York's Underground Economy:

Shoveling Driveways: Free Enterprise Or Underground Economy?

Tax Evasion and Trust

Road Fund Tax Evasion: A State Perspective

Simulating the Relationship Between the Hidden Economy and the Tax Level

Taxes, Risk-Aversion and the Size of the Underground Economy

Tax Evasion A Righteous Lie by Carolyn Ray

Tax Evasion in A Semi-Decentralis... Tax Administration

Massive Tax Evasion by Multinationals

Tax Evasion: A Real Option Approach

Enlightenment: Tax Evasion